When the fruit and veg you love is ‘in season’(or better known as the best time to eat as it has the best flavour etc.). Never fear, this March we are letting you know what the best time is to eat certain fruit veg!
Of course, the humble banana is good to eat all year round! Only difference with a banana through the seasons is the size. The cooler weather in the tropics, where our bananas are grown means the plant isn’t exposed to as much heat and sunlight. Therefore the fruit can sometimes be a little smaller than in the height of summer!
So, here is out Top 10 ‘in season’, UK grown fresh produce for March:
- Brussel Sprouts
- Cauliflower
- Cabbage
- Radish
- Leeks
- Parsnips
- Sweet Potato
- Purple Sprouting Broccoli
- Spring onions
- Spring greens
Not to say that these aren’t still truly delicious at other times of the year, but at this time of year your guaranteed fresh, British produce on your plate when eating these!